Search Results for: bin laden

The United States of America rejoiced over the assassination of the Iranian General Qasem Soleimani while the Iranians mourned him as a national hero. The President of The United States has repeatedly shown pride in the United State’s murder of the General. The act must receive international condemnation and opprobrium. The US drone strike in [...]


Sudan’s transitional government agreed Thursday to compensate victims of a suicide bombing on the USS Cole, while at a port in Yemen in 2000, that resulted in the death of 17 US sailors. This move is an essential requirement before Sudan can be removed from the US list of state sponsors of terrorism. The bombing [...]


US President Donald Trump announced Saturday that Hamza bin Laden, son of al Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden, has been killed. The death of Hamza bin Laden occurred during a US counterterrorism operation in the Afghanistan/Pakistan region. The incident is important both symbolically and pragmatically, as Hamza bin Laden was in charge of a variety [...]


Targeted killing campaigns are still accelerating under the Trump administration, with fewer constraints and even less transparency. More precisely, it seems that the Obama-era Presidential Policy Guidance has been relaxed in two very meaningful ways: targets of “kill missions” are being expanded to include more Jihadist “Foot Soldiers” (rather than just identifiable terrorist leaders) and directed drone [...]


While transgender people have existed since the dawn of time, the last decade has seen an increasing spotlight on the community and transgender people’s right to recognition and protection. While this has taken on many different angles, federal and state administrations have come under scrutiny in the last few weeks for choices to exclude transgender people [...]


The confirmation hearing for US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh continued for a second day Wednesday. Kavanaugh faced numerous questions covering a wide breadth of issues, including whether he would shield President Donald Trump from any possible charges he may face in light of the opinions he voiced in a 2009 Minnesota Law Review article [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Tuesday denied a Guantanamo detainee’s habeas petition for release. Moath Hamza Ahmed al-Alwi has been detained at Guantanamo since 2002, following Congress giving the President power to detain those who are a threat to national security. He had ties to al Qaeda and [...]